99214 CPT Code

December 18, 2024

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The CPT code 99214 is part of the Current Procedural Terminology (CPT) system, which healthcare professionals use to report medical services for billing and insurance purposes. Specifically, 99214 is used for a Level 4 Established Patient Office Visit in the outpatient setting. Understanding this code is crucial for medical professionals, coders, and billers, as it ensures accurate reimbursement for services rendered and supports the efficient functioning of the healthcare billing process.
In this blog, we’ll explore the details of 99214 CPT code, explaining when it is used, the key requirements for coding this level of service, and how it fits into the broader context of the CPT coding system.

What Is the 99214 CPT Code?

The 99214 CPT code describes an office or other outpatient visit for an established patient and commonly incorporates a moderate degree of medical care and decision complexity. This code would typically be applied when a qualified healthcare professional or physician spends a specific amount of time with the patient. The physician generally takes about 30 to 39 minutes to deliver an exhaustive evaluation and management service.
Established patients are those the provider has seen in the last three years. If a patient is new to the practice or has not seen a provider in that timeframe, the provider would use a different code for the new patient visit, which might be 99202–99205.

Important components of a 99214 visit

Some particular elements and criteria must be satisfied before using the 99214 CPT code. These are History, Examination, MDM, and time spent with the patient. For coding 99214, the visit generally requires the following:


For a 99214 code, the history should be comprehensive. This will include an in-depth history of the present illness and a review of the patient’s medical, family, and social history. Documentation should be thorough, with enough insight into the symptoms the patient is experiencing, what medical conditions they might be suffering from, and possibly ongoing treatments.


Detailed Examination: The physical examination must also be maintained during the 99214 visits. This includes evaluating multiple body systems or any comprehensive assessment of a given body area. Providers must document all relevant information from the examination findings to meet the level of any Level 4 office visit.

Medical Decision Making (MDM)

The code choice in a visit would significantly depend on MDM. A 99214 requires a moderate level of complexity for decision-making. This would include:

  • Number and complexity of problems addressed: The provider is managing a moderate number of issues that could be acute or chronic.
  • The amount and complexity of data reviewed: The physician could review test results, medical records, or other information, which would require moderate effort.
  • Risk of complications: This patient is at moderate risk for complications due to the medical conditions being managed, such as initiation of treatment or changes in Management, which are at moderate risk.


Though time is not the chief determinant of whether a visit qualifies for 99214, it is still necessary. For 99214 visits, the provider would have spent 30 to 39 minutes with the patient. The time taken for counselling and care coordination is considered, and it should be documented in the medical record. However, it’s worth noting that time could only be used to determine if more than 50% of the visit is spent on counselling or care coordination.

When to Use the 99214 CPT Code

The 99214 CPT code would apply when the visit would be moderately complex, taking ample time in documentation with the patient. It’s mostly used in the above situations:

  • Chronic Disease Management: A patient’s one or more chronic conditions can be managed with a moderate level of decision-making, especially when their condition deteriorates, their medication is changed, or they feel the need for more testing.
  • Acute Illness or Injury: The 99214 CPT codes may be valid for established patients with an acute illness or injury requiring a history, exam, and intermediate decision-making skills.
  • Follow-up Visits: Follow-up visits for patients for whom the provider has been managing their conditions may require complex decision-making, especially if there have been substantial changes in treatment.
  • Reviewing Test Results: If test results need detailed analysis and interpretation, and the physician needs to decide what to do next, a CPT Code 99214 visit might be necessary.

Documentation Requirements for 99214

Documentation must be accurate and comprehensive when using the 99214 CPT code. The following must be documented clearly in the patient’s medical record:

  • History: This will be an in-depth review of systems and a comprehensive medical history.
  • Physical Examination: A detailed description of the physical examination, including findings across multiple systems if applicable.
  • Medical Decision Making: Documentation of the complexity of the decision-making process, including the number of problems addressed, the complexity of data reviewed, and the risk associated with the patient’s condition and treatment plan.
  • Time spent: If time is the basis for coding, the total time spent with the patient, including time spent on counselling and care coordination, must be documented.

Proper documentation is necessary for compliance, reimbursement, and to avoid audits.

Billing and Reimbursement for 99214

99214 CPT Code falls within the category of E/M – it is Evaluation, and Management can be coded to describe office and outpatient services. The rate for reimbursing a CPT Code 99214 visit will depend upon many factors, such as:

  • Insurance: the different types of medical coverage have their respective rates.
  • Geographic Location: Location could also impact reimbursement with varied rates depending on the locale.
  • Medicare and Medicaid: These are programs with specific rules about, sometimes special and differential, rates.

Generally, Level 4 established patient office visits (e.g., 99213) are reimbursed more than lower-level visits, as they involve more time, complexity, and resources.

Avoid Common Mistakes with CPT Code 99214

There are several common mistakes when coding for a 99214 CPT code, including:

  • Insufficient Documentation: If the history, examination, or decision-making needs to be sufficiently documented, it could lead to downloading (e.g., using 99213 instead of 99214) or claim denials.
  • Complexity Criteria Not Met: Physicians often try to use CPT code 99214 when the complexity of medical decision-making does not reach the level of “moderate.” Good documentation of the medical decision-making process must support this higher service level.
  • Incorrect Time Reporting: If you use time-based billing, document the time you spend with your patient and ensure that at least a significant part is spent on counselling or care coordination.

How Medatron Simplifies the CPT Code 99214 Coder

Medatron assists in the simplification of CPT code 99214 use by offering an intuitive, automated platform that helps providers to document and code Level 4 established patient office visits properly. With the advanced tools provided by Medatron, providers can easily capture detailed histories, examination findings, and medical decision-making processes, ensuring all necessary components for the 99214 CPT Code are thoroughly documented. Moreover, Medatron features real-time coding suggestions and compliance checks, thus minimizing errors and rejections and improving billing efficiency and reimbursement rates. All this support helps providers focus on patient care while ensuring the precision and optimization of coding practices.


Properly using CPT code 99214 is critical to a healthcare provider, coder, and biller in outpatient settings. Proper documentation and attention to major requirements can ensure compliance, maximize reimbursement, and minimize billing errors. Medatron offers an innovative solution for healthcare providers that makes documentation and coding easier while allowing them to navigate the details of Level 4 office visits.

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